22 Agu 2011

When You're Gone

Hold onto love that is what I do now that I've found you.
And from above everything's stinking, they're not around you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,

I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything's complex,

There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.

But I'll miss you when you're gone, that is what I do. Hey, baby!

And it's going to carry on, that is what I do. Hey, baby...

Hold onto my hands, I feel I'm sinking, sinking without you.

And to my mind, everything's stinking, stinking without you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,

I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything's complex,

There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.

But I'll miss you when you're gone, that is what I do. Hey, baby!

And it's going to carry on, that is what I do. hey, baby...

- The Cranberries -

3 komentar:

  1. aduh lagu lama yang ga pernah bosen didengerin :)
    The Cranberries oh The Cranberries..

  2. pas lebaran insya Allah gak mellow lagi mas Aul..hehee...

  3. hahahaha...ini lagu pernah jadi favorit aku ketika suatu hari aku kehilangan seseorang Mas...
    Kalau boleh...Nick rekomendasiin lagu sedih yg lain yah...hehehe... M2M the day u went away...juga bagus deh Mas..coba deh...^__^
    Semoga keadaan hatimu lekas membaik yah...
    NB : Buat Mas Nitnot...wahaha..sejak kapan Mas Aul jd Mas Aan?? hahahaa


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